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Castricum, Netherlands

Summer 2019



10x 24x30 cm

5x 40x50 cm

2x 90x72 cm

Printed on Hahnemühle Photorag paper + 1 cm white border

Delivered with a numbered and digitally signed certificate of authenticity

"It’s the end of summer and the warmest of days. The village kids have just finished a long hot week of sawing, hammering and nailing, building impossible hut-like structures in the local summer camp. Tonight is to be the traditional bonfire, in which everything is to be burned to the ground. People have gathered along the dark coloured ditch to watch the spectacle.


I wade through the crowd with my camera. I am not used to working under this kind of conditions and I feel uncertain. Just at the water’s edge I am awestruck. My ankles are stung by nettles but I don’t care. All I feel is the immense rush of heat coming of the pyre and the magical light shining on children’s faces. The moment seems to last forever – I never had so much time to push a button."


Focussing mainly on long-term projects, Karianne Bueno (1979) studied photography at Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht and Post St. Joost in Breda. After her graduation, she published three books: Asper (2010), Haiiro (2011) and Doug’s Cabin (2019), which were all widely acclaimed.




Karianne Bueno – Bonfire

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