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15x 38x30 cm

10x 40x50 cm

5x 70x56 cm

Printed on Hahnemühle Photorag paper + 1 cm white border

Delivered with a numbered and digitally signed certificate of authenticity


"I often find myself, more or less accidentally, on industrial estates. There I automatically look for images that tell something about architecture and spatial design. Preferably with some humor in it, without it being nonsense. This setting with broken and yellow tape connected lamppost, its upright brother, barrier and fencing evoked all kinds of feelings in me, including empathy."


Jordi Huisman (1982) studied mechanical engineering and then photography at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. A series about football fathers was published in Volkskrant Magazine. Another series about a missile shield in the Czech Republic was in Vrij Nederland. His series about a closed General Motors factory in Wisconsin was rewarded with second place at the Zilveren Camera in the foreign documentary category. His series Rear Window about chaotic rear views in large cities was exhibited at home and abroad and published several times.


Huisman photographs spaces and people for advertising and architectural firms, magazines and cultural institutions in the Netherlands and abroad.




Jordi Huisman – Hug

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