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After dark
Corbin (Kentucky), United States of America




12x 20x25 cm
10x 28x35 cm

8x 40x50 cm

Printed on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Bright White paper + 1 cm white border

Delivered with a numbered and digitally signed certificate of authenticity


This butterfly with broken wings was found and photographed in the streets of Corbin, Kentucky, while working on a story about the former sundown town.


Desiré van den Berg (1991) is a documentary and portrait photographer based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has a BA in General Linguistics from the University of Amsterdam and studied Mandarin Chinese at Leiden University and City University Hong Kong. As an autodidact in photography, she prefers to cover small stories that are often overlooked, or critical perspectives arguing for a better world. Her interests in philosophy, social themes and fine art are visibly reflected in the way she approaches her subjects. She works i.a. for the Volkskrant and The New York Times and has won second and first place at the Zilveren Camera.




Desiré van den Berg – After dark

€ 215,00Price
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